Photography As ART

“Photography As ART” script shows how James creates his art using only light, camera, and optics, in addition to considerable logistical planning, technical experimentation, patience and dedication.

Photography As ART – The ILLUSION series/P3 – Scene 5

April 26 2017 - Photography As ART


The Illusion photographs were taken on Martha’s Vineyard. Not every Illusion needed such detailed execution as the FIGUREHEAD or STANBY LINE. All did involve logistics and staging to tell a story about the Island.

CUT to the shot of the Old Oak Tree made famous by Alfred Eisenstadt. CUT to a shot of Alfred with a camera in hand. CUT to his note to me on Menemsha Inn stationary.


The beautiful OLD OAK TREE was first made famous in a photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt called the GIANT OAK TREE. I got to know him through a TV interview and several meetings, and he was kind in complimenting my “artistic” work. I photographed the tree after it was split in half in a lightning storm. By placing the Muse in the newly exposed split, she is wrapped by the underlying spirit of this grand old tree. The timing for the shot to catch the sun was a late afternoon in spring when the leaves are fresh and lighter green.

It’s not the Island’s busy season, but nevertheless its location near the main road to West Tisbury did draw some attention. Especially, since my Muse decided to take her position in the photograph

THE END of Scene Five